Friday 16 March 2012

Silverstone Pre-School Table Top Sale

A Message from our friend Lee: 

Hi Everyone

I just wanted to let you know about a Table Top Sale and Craft Tent I am helping to organise on behalf of Silverstone Pre-School to raise funds for them.

It is happening on Sunday 22 April, 10.30am - 1pm at Silverstone Recreation Association (SRA) and as well as the opportunity to bag yourself a bargain and browse craft items from local businesses, there will also be food and refreshments.

Of course, there is also the opportunity to sell so you might like to think about having a spring clear out and earning yourself some money for the summer! You can sell whatever you like (within reason!) as long as it fits on or under your table.

As I've mentioned, we are also having a craft tent there and are inviting local 'craft' businesses to have a stall so if you or anyone you know would be interested in this please do get in touch!

Full details can be found on our Facebook event here but it you do have any questions or would like a booking form, please drop me an email.

Hope to see you there in some capacity!

Lee x

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