
The Towcester branch of the NCT produces a quarterly newsletter with a circulation of around 100 copies, distributed to members, potential members, antenatal class attendees and other interested parties such as various healthcare professionals.

The NCT welcomes the support of advertisers, and values their contribution to our work. We are particularly keen to welcome advertisers whose products support and empower parents, and those whose advertisements reflect the work of the NCT and the variety of family life in our society.

Current advertisers find that the Towcester NCT newsletter is a very cost-effective way of reaching a clearly targeted audience with a strong interest in pregnancy, parenthood and childcare.

The newsletter format is A5 booklet, black & white with colour cover, usually around 20-40 pages and digitally printed for excellent quality reproduction. 

Advertising revenue covers the cost of producing the Towcester & District NCT Branch newsletter and website running costs. Any profits go directly to the NCT, which is a registered charity.

Adverts can be accepted by email, on disk or as hard copy. The preferred format for adverts is electronically, with .jpgs being ideal. If you require help designing your artwork, our editor will be pleased to help.

We also offer a leaflet or flyer insert service, where you provide the leaflet and we insert it with the newsletter.

We’d also be happy to receive “advertorials”, i.e. 200-300 words describing your business, service or specialist area along with your advert. The editor reserves the right to edit advertorials if necessary.

To advertise in our newsletter or on our website, please see our rate card (to be added soon)
For more information click here to email our Newsletter Editor.

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