Antenatal Courses

Baby on the way?...

Antenatal Courses

These classes have always been the cornerstone of the NCT's activities, and are very popular. Courses cover all aspects of birth; from methods of relaxation to common obstetric procedures, though each course is tailored to cover all areas of interest to those attending.

Classes usually run for eight evening or weekend sessions taken during the last three months of pregnancy.  Groups are kept small to provide a friendly relaxed atmosphere, partners are encouraged to attend, and many groups are still in contact long after their children are born.

Refresher Courses

We also occasionally run refresher courses for second-timers (or third, or... we're sure you must know what you're doing by now!) if there is enough demand.

As with all NCT teachers and counsellors, our antenatal teachers have undergone thorough training with the NCT, though not required to be medically qualified.  All are expected to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in maternity care and must register with the NCT each year.  Their role is to offer support, information, practical skills and resources to help parents make informed choices for themselves and their babies.  They do not offer medical advice and parents are asked to take any questions about medical care to their midwife, health visitor or GP.

Classes are often filled up quickly, so book early to avoid disappointment!

For antenatal course booking information contact the Region 5 Parent Services Administrator by phoning 0844 243 6299 (option 6) or click to email here.

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