Monday 10 December 2012

Happy Christmas!

Hi Everyone,

What a fantastic year it's been! 

Thank you to everyone on the Committee to keep the branch running and all the volunteers that have helped at events. 

Our next committee meeting will now be in the New Year, where we will start planning the Spring Nearly New Sale which is scheduled for April. The date will be released after the committee meeting. But lets just say keep the last weekend of April free!!! 

If you would like to receive updates on our events or meeting dates and are not on our mailing list yet, please email us at putting 'Subscribe to mailing list' in the subject box.

You do not need to be a NCT Member to become involved, just be able to give a little of your time. Our AGM happens in the Spring too, and it would be lovely to have some new committee members or branch volunteers by then, as this is traditionally the time some existing committee members will be stepping down, and for the Branch to continue we need more of you to become involved.

Why not come along in the New Year to find out how you can help. 

Wishing you and your families a wonderful Christmas and New Year. 

Helen x
Branch Co-ordinator
NCT Towcester and District Branch.

Health Minister Promotes More Midwives

NCT’s campaign for more midwives has secured a major breakthrough as health minister, Dr Dan Poulter vowed to ensure more qualified midwives are in work over the coming years.
Speaking at the Royal College of Midwives’ annual conference in Brighton on 13 November, Dr Poulter told the assembly, “…and we do need to make sure we have more midwives in the service, who want to deliver high-quality care, personalised 1 to 1 care, and make sure we look after the workforce that we [already] have properly. We must have more midwives working.”  
View the full speech on YouTube

Monday 15 October 2012

New Combined Antenatal and Early Days Course

Here is some information about an upcoming NCT course for all expectant parents. The course is due to start December 2012.

A 14.5 hour course of 2 Saturday morning sessions and 1 Thursday evening session, including breastfeeding. After the births there will be 3 Friday morning sessions for women only.

This is a combined NCT Antenatal and Early Days postnatal course covering preparation for labour and birth, feeding, and early parenthood.

Unless stated otherwise, our combined NCT Antenatal and Early Days classes are designed for couples, but many people attend on their own or with a friend, relative or birth partner.
Topics in the antenatal part of the course will usually include:
  • Pregnancy and birth choices
  • Choosing where to have your baby
  • Body awareness, relaxation, breathing and massage
  • Home births and water births
  • What happens in labour and how the baby is born
  • Pain relief - natural and medical methods
  • Your labour and the role of the partner in labour
  • What complications might arise - e.g. Caesarean birth
  • Looking after a newborn and feeding your baby
  • Early parenting, lifestyle changes
The postnatal part of the course is led by an NCT trained Postnatal Leader; these courses are designed to support you to become the parent you want to be. The groups provide a relaxed, friendly and supportive atmosphere in which to openly talk about your life as a mum. It is a chance to put YOU first; to discuss your hopes and fears, to gather ideas to help meet the challenges, to celebrate the successes and reconcile your expectations with reality. You will get to meet other mums with babies of a similar age, make friends, develop new ideas, gain support and encouragement and have a hot drink! The Postnatal Leader will not act as an expert or dispense advice, but will help you decide what is best for your baby, yourself and your family.
Topics in the postnatal part of the course may include:
  • The difference between expectations and the reality of parenthood
  • Skills for being a mother
  • Daily patterns
  • Returning to work, or not
  • The change in your relationship with your partner and the wider family
For further information please contact Belinda on 0844 243 6890 or

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Autumn Nearly New Sale Date Confirmed

Hi All,

We are delighted to announce that we have now received confirmation on the date for our Autumn Nearly New Sale.

Saturday 17th November
Sponne School


All the information including sellers packs will be released shortly, in the meantime if you would like to register your interest please email us at

Alternatively you can view the Nearly New Sale pages on the blog for further information.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Changes in relationships after giving birth

This article is taken from the NCT website. 

Changes in relationships after giving birth

The arrival of a baby changes your life in many ways. Here we look at how a new baby can affect your relationships with your partner, family and friends.
When you’ve had a baby, there is usually less time for you to enjoy leisure activities with your partner. You’ll probably both feel more tired, you may be juggling work and family, and you may be focusing on the baby’s needs rather than the needs of you and your partner. Nonetheless, the experience for women and men of becoming parents is often quite different. 

The experience of mothers

Many women notice that things are changing for them during pregnancy when their thoughts and dreams become increasingly focused on the baby they are carrying. When the baby arrives, the hormonal changes going on in your body and the sheer hard work of caring for a young baby may make it seem like the outside world ‘disappears’ for a while. Many mothers in particular have such a strong rush of love for their baby that they feel they have little left for anyone else and it is little wonder that some partners and friends feel short-changed. In turn, this can lead to some mothers feeling torn in all directions and exhausted by the prospect of everyone wanting a piece of them.
No matter how much you love your baby and enjoy looking after her, however, there will be times when you miss the life you had before, when you could go out when you wanted to and be in charge of your own timetable. Many women feel that they should be really happy now the baby is here – but the first couple of months, in which the combination of intense emotions, the constant demands of a small baby and sleep deprivation can leave you feeling both exhausted and dissatisfied. If, for example, your partner leaves for work every morning, or carries on with hobbies, you may feel irritated that your life seems to have changed so much more than theirs, and this can lead to arguments and resentment.
It can also be hard to come to terms with the fact that often it is women who assume more traditional roles when the baby come along, rather than men. This can lead to conflict, especially if the woman feels that her partner is not doing their share of the chores. If both you and your partner return to work, then you are both likely to experience feelings of tiredness and of being pulled in different directions. The early weeks and months with a new baby are rarely easy for anyone. 

The experience of fathers and partners

Often parents enjoy the intimacy of the early days with a new baby, spending a lot of time talking over what the baby has done that day and what she might do tomorrow. But sometimes one partner, most commonly the father (or non-biological mother in a lesbian relationship), may feel left out, neglected, sad, lonely or even angry. It can be helpful to seek out a friend to talk to who will understand (perhaps someone who has been through the transition to parenthood themselves), and who can remind them that this early intense phase will soon pass.
A father or co-parent who takes paternity leave may become very absorbed in the new baby. However, some men still feel excluded during this time, or feel awkward about not knowing what to do, or how to help, or uncomfortable that they can’t help with breastfeeding, for example.
Returning to work can also seem strange, as it means trying to cope with working in the same way you did before at the same time as having a demanding new life with a baby. It can be particularly difficult to deal if you feel tired from lack of sleep.


Having a baby can provide you with opportunities to form new friendships (for example with mums you’ve met at antenatal classes), but it can also affect the relationships you have with your friends. It is not uncommon for new parents to find that they have less in common now with old friends who do not have children. For a time you may grow apart but it’s worth remembering that there’ll come a time when you’ll want to see old friends again and reignite the relationship you used to have. 

The wider family

While you are busy adjusting to the changes a baby has made to your life, your wider family also has some adjusting to do. You may still feel like someone’s daughter but you now have the responsibility that goes with being a parent. Becoming a mother may make you look at your own mother with fresh eyes and wonder how the experience of becoming a parent was for her, but it may also make you think about how you were parented yourself: do you want to do things differently from your own mother, or follow her example? Some new parents find themselves in conflict with their own parents or parents-in-law if they have different ideas about the best way to bring up children.

Losses and gains

Sometimes it may feel as though you are losing a lot, especially when you see your old friends less, hardly go out and lose touch with workmates, but you also gain in unexpected ways. For some, family can mean much more and they can find a new closeness with their own parents and wider family. Others may find that the family unit that consists of them, their partner and baby becomes the most important thing. And then there are the new ‘baby’ friends who are happy to talk for hours about births, nappies and feeding. Although your life will never be the same after having a baby as it was before, people usually find that things become a little easier as the baby gets older and the first few intense months have passed. 

Further information

NCT's helpline offers practical and emotional support in all areas of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood: 0300 330 0700.

Monday 30 July 2012

Subscribe to our mailing list

Are you a Member?
If so there is no need to do anything, we will be able to access your information for sending you your quarterly newsletter and updates about the branch. This is al done securely via the main NCT site and intranet.

If you are not a member but still wish to be kept up to date with what's going on in your local branch we are now compiling a new database just for you, so that we can send you information about our events, groups, social and committee meetings.

If you would like to be added to this please email us, stating 'please subscribe me' to:


Wednesday 18 July 2012

Wednesday Tots - OPEN this Summer

Great News!

Wednesday Tots in the St. John's Ambulance Summer 2012 opening:
Closed 25th of July, 1st of August and 29th of August
Open  August 8th, 15th, 22nd
Back to normal from the 5th of September

Sessions open from 9:30 - 11.00 am
Drinks and Biscuits served
£1.40 per Family

SPLAT - Holiday Activities in South Northants

SPLAT logoCheck out South Northants SPLAT programme for Summer 2012. All activites are for children 5 to 16 year old. Sports Camps, Village Games and Crafts. Please click here for more information.

Have Fun!

Friday 6 July 2012


NCT press release
(5th July 2012)


Towcester NCT Branch is celebrating the success of its latest student to qualify as an antenatal teacher meaning there will be more popular antenatal classes for expectant parents in the local area.

Philippa Armstrong  has just completed three and a half years of study to become a fully qualified antenatal teacher (Dip Ant Ed)  able to provide courses for prospective first time parents. She will be running classes from September in the village hall in Litchborough (NN12). There will be a total of 8 evening sessions from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

The first course starts on September 19th 2012.

NCT is renowned for its antenatal courses favoured by first time parents in their thousands. Expectant couples attend in small groups and learn together about the three stages of labour, different ways of labouring, pain relief, breastfeeding and what to expect if things don’t quite go to plan. The main focus of the course is to provide information for parents to make informed decisions about the birth and early parenting.
It’s an immensely supportive environment, allowing new parents to make friends with other couples becoming parents for the first time, and allows both new mums and dads to continue to meet long after their babies are born for friendship and mutual advice and support.

To book a place or to find out more, please contact the Booking Administrator at, ‘phone 0844 243 6890 or see the NCT website

NCT is the UK’s largest parenting charity. Each year the charity supports hundreds of  thousands of parents through a life-changing experience, offering expert information and trusted practical and emotional support through the website, the nationwide network of 300 local branches, free helplines, antenatal and postnatal classes, breastfeeding counselling and peer support schemes. For more information call NCT on 0300 330 0770 or visit

Thank you!

Most fabulous Cheeky Monkeys Party!

Thank you everyone who came along and supported this event. 

Plus a HUGE thank you to our Cheeky Monkey Co-ordinator Sarah Haynes, who organised everything - Brilliant! 

We raised approx £200 on the day! Hooray 

If you would like to get involved with the Towcester and District NCT Branch please get in touch, we need more help on the committee to keep events like this one happening. x

Monday 18 June 2012

Our Cheeky Monkeys Tea Party

Don't miss out on our fantastic summer event!

Loads going on, from face painting, to drumming, to retail stalls, to photography, to craft activities for the kids, and much much more!

Entrance is FREE!!!!

Plus a wonderful raffle with some amazing prizes including a signed cap from both Force India 2012 drivers.

Hope to see you there!

Towcester Scout Hall Preschool Summer Fayre

Friday 15 June 2012

Our Committee needs you!

Our Committee needs you!

We are currently recruiting for our Branch Committee, we have several roles available. If you think you can help us by giving up some of your free time to help run the branch, and attend events, please contact us.

You do not need to be a member to help, some of the roles available:
Publicity Officer
Website co-ordinator
Branch Secretary
Nearly New Sale team members
Newsletter team members
Event volunteers

Any help is gratefully received.

Please contact us

Wednesday 13 June 2012

European Parliament Vote on Baby Food Directive

However you choose to feed your baby you have a right to independent information, really easy links to email your MEP for an upcoming vote to ban follow on milk advertising.

European Parliament vote on baby food directive 2012 | NCT

Local Nursery School Open Day

Maidford Montessori Nursery School is having an open day on 6th July, 
10-12. Further details on their website

Monday 11 June 2012

Curry Night!

Hi there,
Just a quick reminder of our Curry Night at the New Bekash in Towcester. It's this Friday, 15th of June starting 8pm. Sure, we will talk some business as it will also our AMM but we will keep it quick and hopefully will have a lot of time for wine, curry and chats. So let us know if you like to join us, numbers need to be confirmed by Wednesday. Please click here to email.

See you soon!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Towcester Mums Working To Save Babies Lives

A team of Towcester mums have been working hard for over 5 years to raise awareness of Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Bacteria which kills 75 newborn British babies a year.

Please click below link to read the story:

News - Local News: Towcester and the villages in NN12 (NN12)

Saturday 2 June 2012

AMM on the 15th of June

Final details of AMM!
Well we tried to arrange something new, but we were scuppered in our plans, so back to what we know best - our AMM will be at 8pm on Friday 15th June at the New Bekesh, Watling Street, Towcester. Please let us know if you would like to attend so that we can confirm table numbers. Contact me on 079060 55591 or email me

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Jubilee Picnic Volunteers needed!

Volunteer help request!!!!!
We are having a stand a the Jubilee Picnic in the Park at the Recreation Ground in Towcester on the 2nd June, 12-5pm. We need some volunteers to help with manning the stand. We are doing face painting too! If you feel you could volunteer just 1 hour of your time please contact me: Helen 07906 055591 or email me

Monday 21 May 2012

Cheeky Monkey Tea Party 1st of July 2012

Save the date : 1st of July 2012

Bring your cheeky monkeys along to play.

Looking for a fun and free day out with your kids? Bring them along to the Towcester and District NCT branch annual Cheeky Monkeys party. It is being held in Silverstone this year and will help raise money to support parents in our community. There will be crafts, tester sessions, stalls, activities and, of course, delicious refreshments. So gather your friends and bring the kids along for a cheeky day out !

What: Cheeky Monkeys Party
When: Sunday 1st July 2012
Where: Silverstone Pavillion, Church St., Silverstone, NN12 8AX
Time: 2pm to 4.30pm


Click here for our flyer!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Free online magazine

Just thought I share this with you. Found this great online magazine which is just packed with recipes, craft ideas and all things nice!

Happy reading!

Monday 23 April 2012

Nearly New Sale - We did it again!

Many thanks to all the sellers, buyers and helpers at our Nearly New Sale last Saturday! We hope you all enjoyed the day and went home with lots of bargains.

If you could give us some feedback, that would be greatly appreciated!

Saturday 21 April 2012

Stretch marks, scars and saggy skin: Mothers bare all in post-birth photos in support of women battling the baby bulge

A mother-of-two has launched a website to allow women to show off their post birth bodies and offer support to those struggling with their weight.
Read more, click here!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Social Night! This Wednesday!

Wednesday 18 April 8.00pm
Branch Social Night for Members and Non-Members
The Plough Inn, 96 Watling Street, Towcester

Saturday 7 April 2012

Lucky you!

 Lucky Mom there. Feeling quite envy. No emergency loo runs at Debenhams!

Potty trained at six-months old: Early learner makes 'boo-boo' noise to alert parents to call of nature. Read more here.

Monday 2 April 2012

Social Event - Committee Meeting!

Our next committee meeting is this coming Tuesday 3rd April at 8pm at the Saracens Head, Towcester. Come along and find out about the behind the scenes, and how get involved!

Sunday 18 March 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

We wish you a happy mother's day!

My day will include some cream tea and a visit to the Rookery Open Farm in Stoke Bruerne. Hopefully I will get a few moments to have a nice bubble bath! Without the little ones trying to jump in :o)

Friday 16 March 2012

Silverstone Pre-School Table Top Sale

A Message from our friend Lee: 

Hi Everyone

I just wanted to let you know about a Table Top Sale and Craft Tent I am helping to organise on behalf of Silverstone Pre-School to raise funds for them.

It is happening on Sunday 22 April, 10.30am - 1pm at Silverstone Recreation Association (SRA) and as well as the opportunity to bag yourself a bargain and browse craft items from local businesses, there will also be food and refreshments.

Of course, there is also the opportunity to sell so you might like to think about having a spring clear out and earning yourself some money for the summer! You can sell whatever you like (within reason!) as long as it fits on or under your table.

As I've mentioned, we are also having a craft tent there and are inviting local 'craft' businesses to have a stall so if you or anyone you know would be interested in this please do get in touch!

Full details can be found on our Facebook event here but it you do have any questions or would like a booking form, please drop me an email.

Hope to see you there in some capacity!

Lee x

NNS Sale Registration

Apologies we are having a few technical difficulties with the registration form on the website, we are working very hard to resolve this. If you or friends are trying to register please email 


Friday 9 March 2012

Nearly New Sale Prep

So today we have started on the preparations for the nearly new sale. You might have seen the the odd poster advertising the Event at the 21st of April in Sponne School. Sellers Labels will be posted soon so if you have not already registered, please click here for registration.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Towcester gets a new Supermarket!

So tomorrow, March 8th at 8am Aldi opens in Towcester. Naturally I have the need to go there for the opening as they give away 100 golden tickets to win various items ( one of them a TV) but Hubby has forbidden me to go. Too embarrassing he says. I just try to sneak out before he wakes up. Easy Peasy. Might buy him some german beer when I am there....!

Monday 5 March 2012


What a beautiful day. Took the opportunity and had a lunch time stroll through lovely Towcester today.  

Thursday 1 March 2012

Towcester Diamond Jubilee Committee Announce Picnic In The Park

Oh, I am really looking forward to this one. If you are interested helping out at the event, please click the link below for contact details of the committee.
Picnic in the Park for the Queens Diamond Jubilee in Towcester

Author: Sue Hamilton, Published: 12th February 2012 17:18, www.aboutmyarea/nn12

Martin Johns, Mayor of Towcester, called a meeting in the town back in January to see what interest there was from the local community in commemorating the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

Many events are to be organised by local organisations and one of these is to be a “Picnic in the Park” on Saturday 2nd June 12noon-5pm.

For more information click here.

NCTea Coffee Morning at the Bell Plantation Towcester

New regular Event!

Come and share and a cuppa and catch up with your NCT friends.

1st Thursday of every month

The Bell Plantation Coffee Shop on A5 
Postcode:  NN126GX
10.00am to11.30am 

Pop in anytime!

You don't need to be a member to join us for a cuppa. Just come along and have a chat!

For your flyer please click here

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Thinking Thrifty!


Have a look at this great page "make it and mend it".

Why not transforming old kid's clothing into a cushion or even an artwork!

Monday 13 February 2012

Social Evening

Hi there!
Our next Social Evening for Members and Non-Members will be on Wednesday, 15th of February. We meet at the Plough Inn, Towcester, Watling Street from around 8pm. Well, we are always a bit late so have a pint and wait for us!

Friday 3 February 2012

Foetus parties: Womb with a view?

Friday 27 January 2012

New Coffee Mornings at Bell Plantation

Coming Soon

Coffee Mornings at the Bell Plantation, Towcester

Starting Thursday, 1st of March, 10 - 11.30am

Bell  Plantation