Tuesday 19 February 2013

NEW TO NCTea Mornings

We are delighted to announce that due to the increasingly popular NCTea Mornings we now plan to add a topic of discussion to each months meeting.

We trialled this out in February, where we discussed weaning which went down really well.

So for the March meet we will be discussing:

Baby Wearing and Attachment Parenting

The meeting is being held on Thursday 7th March, 10-11.30am at The Bell Plantation Cafe, Watling Street, Towcester, NN12 6GX

We hope (where possible) to have an expert on each field of discussion at the meetings, but the idea is also that Mums and Dads get to chat and discuss what they do, have done or are planning of doing.

A diary of topics will soon be announced here on the blog and on the facebook page.

To follow us on facebook go to: www.facebook.com/TowcesterandDistrictNCT