Sunday 12 May 2013

Cheeky Monkeys Tea Party - Date announced

Go bananas with Towcester and District NCT Branch!

NCT Cheeky Monkeys Tea Parties are fun-filled events for all the family, raising money to support new and expectant parents across the UK. Our branch is one of hundreds of branches planning a Cheeky Monkeys Tea Party this summer – so why not join in the fun and come along?

We are holding our summer NCT Cheeky Monkeys Tea Party from 2-4pm on Sunday 14th July 2013 at Silverstone Pavilion and Recreation Ground.

All sorts of activities for children are planned, including drumming, arts and crafts, mask and hat making, singing, dancing, face painting and games to play. We have taster sessions from local services and the opportunity to talk to stallholders from local businesses. Do leave time to have a drink and slice of cake, and enter the raffle to help raise funds for the NCT.

Becoming a parent is an exciting time, but it can bring challenges too. With the funds raised by Cheeky Monkeys Tea Parties, NCT can continue to support families to prepare for the changes a baby brings and reach out to those in danger of isolation. NCT strives to give all new parents the skills, knowledge and decision-making powers to enable them to be confident parents.

or visit
facebook page:

Monday 29 April 2013

All emails restored!

All our email accounts are up and running again.


Friday 12 April 2013



If you have recently emailed us, and not had a response please forward your correspondence to:

We are trying to get the problem fixed as quickly as possible. 

Please bear with us. x

Wednesday 10 April 2013


We currently need to recruit new committee members.

All of our Committee members are volunteers, and in order to keep the branch running we need to ensure that certain roles are fulfilled.

We will shortly need to recruit a new MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, due to the current member taking time out due to the birth of her second child.

For this role you will need to be a current NCT member, be happy using excel, and email.

For more information on what this role entails please email:

Other roles also available are:
Advertising Co-ordinator
Publicity Officer
Website/Blog Officer
General Committee Members

For many of these roles it is not essential for you to be an NCT member, just willing to commit your time to the branch.

If you think you can spare 1 hour a month to help please do get in touch.

Thank you

Helen x

Tuesday 19 February 2013

NEW TO NCTea Mornings

We are delighted to announce that due to the increasingly popular NCTea Mornings we now plan to add a topic of discussion to each months meeting.

We trialled this out in February, where we discussed weaning which went down really well.

So for the March meet we will be discussing:

Baby Wearing and Attachment Parenting

The meeting is being held on Thursday 7th March, 10-11.30am at The Bell Plantation Cafe, Watling Street, Towcester, NN12 6GX

We hope (where possible) to have an expert on each field of discussion at the meetings, but the idea is also that Mums and Dads get to chat and discuss what they do, have done or are planning of doing.

A diary of topics will soon be announced here on the blog and on the facebook page.

To follow us on facebook go to:

Friday 18 January 2013

Spring Nearly New Sale DATE CONFIRMED!

Hi All,

We are delighted to announce that we have now received confirmation on the date for our Spring Nearly New Sale.

Saturday 27th April 2013
Sponne School


All the information including sellers packs will be released shortly, in the meantime if you would like to register your interest please email us at

Alternatively you can view the Nearly New Sale pages on the blog for further information.