Monday 10 December 2012

Happy Christmas!

Hi Everyone,

What a fantastic year it's been! 

Thank you to everyone on the Committee to keep the branch running and all the volunteers that have helped at events. 

Our next committee meeting will now be in the New Year, where we will start planning the Spring Nearly New Sale which is scheduled for April. The date will be released after the committee meeting. But lets just say keep the last weekend of April free!!! 

If you would like to receive updates on our events or meeting dates and are not on our mailing list yet, please email us at putting 'Subscribe to mailing list' in the subject box.

You do not need to be a NCT Member to become involved, just be able to give a little of your time. Our AGM happens in the Spring too, and it would be lovely to have some new committee members or branch volunteers by then, as this is traditionally the time some existing committee members will be stepping down, and for the Branch to continue we need more of you to become involved.

Why not come along in the New Year to find out how you can help. 

Wishing you and your families a wonderful Christmas and New Year. 

Helen x
Branch Co-ordinator
NCT Towcester and District Branch.

Health Minister Promotes More Midwives

NCT’s campaign for more midwives has secured a major breakthrough as health minister, Dr Dan Poulter vowed to ensure more qualified midwives are in work over the coming years.
Speaking at the Royal College of Midwives’ annual conference in Brighton on 13 November, Dr Poulter told the assembly, “…and we do need to make sure we have more midwives in the service, who want to deliver high-quality care, personalised 1 to 1 care, and make sure we look after the workforce that we [already] have properly. We must have more midwives working.”  
View the full speech on YouTube