Monday 15 October 2012

New Combined Antenatal and Early Days Course

Here is some information about an upcoming NCT course for all expectant parents. The course is due to start December 2012.

A 14.5 hour course of 2 Saturday morning sessions and 1 Thursday evening session, including breastfeeding. After the births there will be 3 Friday morning sessions for women only.

This is a combined NCT Antenatal and Early Days postnatal course covering preparation for labour and birth, feeding, and early parenthood.

Unless stated otherwise, our combined NCT Antenatal and Early Days classes are designed for couples, but many people attend on their own or with a friend, relative or birth partner.
Topics in the antenatal part of the course will usually include:
  • Pregnancy and birth choices
  • Choosing where to have your baby
  • Body awareness, relaxation, breathing and massage
  • Home births and water births
  • What happens in labour and how the baby is born
  • Pain relief - natural and medical methods
  • Your labour and the role of the partner in labour
  • What complications might arise - e.g. Caesarean birth
  • Looking after a newborn and feeding your baby
  • Early parenting, lifestyle changes
The postnatal part of the course is led by an NCT trained Postnatal Leader; these courses are designed to support you to become the parent you want to be. The groups provide a relaxed, friendly and supportive atmosphere in which to openly talk about your life as a mum. It is a chance to put YOU first; to discuss your hopes and fears, to gather ideas to help meet the challenges, to celebrate the successes and reconcile your expectations with reality. You will get to meet other mums with babies of a similar age, make friends, develop new ideas, gain support and encouragement and have a hot drink! The Postnatal Leader will not act as an expert or dispense advice, but will help you decide what is best for your baby, yourself and your family.
Topics in the postnatal part of the course may include:
  • The difference between expectations and the reality of parenthood
  • Skills for being a mother
  • Daily patterns
  • Returning to work, or not
  • The change in your relationship with your partner and the wider family
For further information please contact Belinda on 0844 243 6890 or